public 7 min read
Imagine you're Michelangelo, chisel in hand, staring at a block of marble so cold and white it'…
Pugh Matrix

Pugh Matrix

members 9 min read
The Pugh Matrix isn’t just a tool; it's the artist’s compass in a storm of chaos,…
Janus Skills

Janus Skills

public 6 min read
Janus, the two-faced god, stands at the threshold of every doorway, looking both forward and back. In one gaze, he…
The Eisenhower Matrix

The Eisenhower Matrix

public 6 min read
You’re Dwight D. Eisenhower, five-star general, a man who wrestled World War II to the ground. You’re staring…
The Procrustes Effect

The Procrustes Effect

public 5 min read
Welcome to the Procrustes Effect, where your creativity either stretches to breaking point or gets hacked down to size. It’…
Occam's Razor

Occam's Razor

members 8 min read
You're in a war with your own mind. The battlefield? Your latest creative project. The enemy? Every damn…
The Pareto Principle

The Pareto Principle

public 5 min read
The Pareto Principle is the cracked lens through which we view the world, where 80% of your artistic triumphs stem…
Ulysses Pact

Ulysses Pact

members 8 min read
Ulysses, the mastermind of the Trojan horse, battered from a decade of war, stares into the abyss of one final…
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